The Quarantine Life – Is it summer?


my attempt to dress more like my normal self today (vs. cozy cozy cozy all week long)

Today felt like summer. It was amazing – I mean it didn’t even hit 60 degrees, but if you live in the tundra like we do, than 60 degrees feels like summer after a long winter! I wore a dress (with my whiteeeee legs exposed for the whole world to see) and I sat outside from 2-5pm…primarily playing catch with Soren, breaking up fights, and holding crying boys after they skinned their knees (again and again and again). I also sipped on Arnold Palmer’s (iced tea and lemonade), I gave the boys haircuts (they’re ok…hair grows back) and taught Espen how/where he can pee in the backyard. This is summer! This is parenting!

Let’s recap…


on our daily walk! notice both sets of boots on wrong feet!

How am I feeling today: Pregnancy nausea was my constant companion today, but I also had a really great day. Sunshine on a Monday was a gift! It’s also almost April which is one month closer to baby and one month closer to the end of this pandemic. (one…month…at…a…time…). I also have my glucose test for my pregnancy tomorrow and to say I’m a BIT nervous about it is an understatement. I want to be at the doctor’s office as little as possible so I really REALLY want to pass this test. Also, if I had a mask, I’d wear it to the doctor’s office…will a bandana or scarf over my face do any good to ward off germs?

Today’s Win: Lot’s of wins today – but one thing I’m attempting this week is to do a few things for myself to help me feel more normal. For this week, I am committing to 20 minutes of working out each day (that’s 20 long minutes when you’re in your third trimester) and I also am trying to wear clothes that make me feel normal (vs. the ugly comfy clothes I’ve been wearing for 2 weeks). It’s a small attempt at normalcy.

Funny kid moment today: Today had many. First, I gave my kids haircuts which always makes me feel a bit bad for them…but the mullets were coming in quickly and I have no time for that. I just trimmed up so they don’t look too overgrown. And hair grows back, right? Another highlight was this game I play with Soren. We call it “airplane.” I ask him, “Soren, if you could fly anywhere today for a fun vacation, where would you go?” You know what he answered? He said, “I would go home!” WHAT? We’ve been quarantined for a million years and you want to stay here? I’m on a one way flight to Hawaii, but no one asked me. I asked him for a new answer. He responded, “The gas station.” So that’s my kid. Mr. Exotic Traveller.

Today’s hero: A highlight of the day for my kids were the street cleaners that came through Richfield. As for me…I didn’t find them THAT exciting, but my boys loved it. So let’s call them heroes!


Anyone else have 12 pictures of a single Mickey Mouse slipper on their phone? Just me? Cool.

Til tomorrow… (THE LAST DAY OF MARCH!!)