The Quarantine Life – Is it summer?


my attempt to dress more like my normal self today (vs. cozy cozy cozy all week long)

Today felt like summer. It was amazing – I mean it didn’t even hit 60 degrees, but if you live in the tundra like we do, than 60 degrees feels like summer after a long winter! I wore a dress (with my whiteeeee legs exposed for the whole world to see) and I sat outside from 2-5pm…primarily playing catch with Soren, breaking up fights, and holding crying boys after they skinned their knees (again and again and again). I also sipped on Arnold Palmer’s (iced tea and lemonade), I gave the boys haircuts (they’re ok…hair grows back) and taught Espen how/where he can pee in the backyard. This is summer! This is parenting!

Let’s recap…


on our daily walk! notice both sets of boots on wrong feet!

How am I feeling today: Pregnancy nausea was my constant companion today, but I also had a really great day. Sunshine on a Monday was a gift! It’s also almost April which is one month closer to baby and one month closer to the end of this pandemic. (one…month…at…a…time…). I also have my glucose test for my pregnancy tomorrow and to say I’m a BIT nervous about it is an understatement. I want to be at the doctor’s office as little as possible so I really REALLY want to pass this test. Also, if I had a mask, I’d wear it to the doctor’s office…will a bandana or scarf over my face do any good to ward off germs?

Today’s Win: Lot’s of wins today – but one thing I’m attempting this week is to do a few things for myself to help me feel more normal. For this week, I am committing to 20 minutes of working out each day (that’s 20 long minutes when you’re in your third trimester) and I also am trying to wear clothes that make me feel normal (vs. the ugly comfy clothes I’ve been wearing for 2 weeks). It’s a small attempt at normalcy.

Funny kid moment today: Today had many. First, I gave my kids haircuts which always makes me feel a bit bad for them…but the mullets were coming in quickly and I have no time for that. I just trimmed up so they don’t look too overgrown. And hair grows back, right? Another highlight was this game I play with Soren. We call it “airplane.” I ask him, “Soren, if you could fly anywhere today for a fun vacation, where would you go?” You know what he answered? He said, “I would go home!” WHAT? We’ve been quarantined for a million years and you want to stay here? I’m on a one way flight to Hawaii, but no one asked me. I asked him for a new answer. He responded, “The gas station.” So that’s my kid. Mr. Exotic Traveller.

Today’s hero: A highlight of the day for my kids were the street cleaners that came through Richfield. As for me…I didn’t find them THAT exciting, but my boys loved it. So let’s call them heroes!


Anyone else have 12 pictures of a single Mickey Mouse slipper on their phone? Just me? Cool.

Til tomorrow… (THE LAST DAY OF MARCH!!)

The Quarantine Life – Week 3


this is the only picture I took today…so it’s the only option for today’s recap!

Good evening! We have personally completed 2 full weeks of quarantine and I want to take a minute to say, yes, I have complained A LOT about being stuck at home with my very energetic children and my very energetic 28ish-weeks-pregnant baby in my belly…but I am MORE thankful for our health. I am so thankful for all of those putting their own lives (& families) at risk to help us…whether they are a healthcare worker, a Target checkout person, my Amazon delivery person (bless you), there is so much to be thankful for! My troubles are light and momentary. They don’t always feel that way…I have big emotions, I’m aware of that. But I also want to publicly acknowledge my massive gratitude for my health and for those that are doing the grueling work to ensure the health of others.

Happy Sunday everyone. Another week ahead. I have a couple of goals this week to help me get a bit more of a routine and to help me feel a bit more like myself. Typically when I’m having a rough week, I’ll schedule time with friends at a fun restaurant or I’ll go shopping and look at new clothes. I can’t do any of that right now and that is OK – so I’m seeking new ways to feel energized and refreshed. I’ll keep you posted.


How am I feeling today: Pregnancy nausea has continued which is a bummer, but I am SO looking forward to an afternoon of sunshine tomorrow…so I may even call myself hopeful??

Today’s Win: I just placed the biggest Amazon order of my life…and delivery dates are all over the place due to delays going on…but I am very excited because we are moving the boys into the same room next weekend. We ordered beds and mattresses that arrive this week – so it should be very interesting to see how they adjust to sharing a room! I’ve tried very hard to hype it up for Soren…because he’s hesitant. I would be too if I had to sleep in the same room as Espen every night…he’s not an excellent sleeper. Soren wasn’t either until about 6 months ago. Wish us luck.

Funny kid moment today: Today Soren went outside to play during Espen’s naptime. He came in the back door (he doesn’t enter quietly…picture Kramer from Seinfeld entering your house) and he lets me know that he’s found a worm and he’s brought it inside. Hard no. Get that out of here! I acknowledged his excitement…and kindly asked him to bring his new buddy back outside. No worms in this house, sir!

Today’s hero: Amazon. Because it is very fun to sneak a few extra items in your cart when you’re already buying a lot of stuff (Was it Easter candy? Yes.)


Til tomorrow!

The Quarantine Life – Rain Should Be Illegal


life skill lessons

It’s Saturday which is usually the best day of the week…and it was fine, but it poured rain most of the day and it’s chilly and the sun was missing from our day. It just feels like on our day off of work, we should be allowed some sunshine, right?

I read a post right before bed last night that profiled a guy with COVID-19. He gave a day-by-day account of his symptoms which led to his eventual hospitalization (where he currently remains). Then I went to sleep! Just kidding. I laid in bed with shortness of breath because my anxiety kicked into high gear. Sometimes I forget the severity of all of this…and I just think about the small issues going on like no school, staying home, wondering when we will be able to get all the groceries we need, etc. But then I remember this dang virus that scares the breath out of me…literally. As someone with asthma and also in my 3rd trimester (which means a weakened immune system and weakened respiratory capacity), I am a little stressed about this. Thus…we are officially staying home until this baby arrives and then a few months past that. The extrovert in me is crying…and not just on the inside.

Debbie Downer? Maybe. Keeping it real? Also maybe. Depressing? Absolutely. I keep reminding myself that this is a phase…it will not last forever…even though it totally feels that way right now.

(deep sigh) Let’s recap.

How am I feeling today: Besides what I already recapped above, I also had a resurgence of pregnancy nausea today. FUN! It’s ok – only 12 more weeks…

Today’s Win: We had a family dance party in the kitchen – which actually was only the three boys because sometimes mom just can’t handle dancing w this baby belly. But the boys were dancing to Livin’ On A Prayer by Bon Jovi…and call me sappy, but when he sang, “We’ve got each other, and that’s a lot…” I may have felt emotional. This quarantine life is breaking me down.

Funny kid moment today: I can’t remember if I already shared this – so sorry if this is a repeat. But while we are in quarantine and parents are becoming makeshift school teachers, we want to teach out kids as much as we can since they are missing out on school. Well…my kid is in preschool and it’s not like he’s going to be super far behind if I miss some lessons here and there…right? So we are focused on only the most important of things…which is why I spent time teaching him how to properly cross his eyes. It didn’t take long and I have to admit…he’s quite a natural. If I could upload videos on this blog, I would…but he even can cross one eye and make the other eye wander around a bit. It’s kind of weird…but also, fairly entertaining! #parentingwin

Today’s hero: My aunt Brenda sent me a card in the mail with some encouragement. It was unexpected and so wonderful to know someone out there was thinking of me and saying a prayer for me…because if you’ve been reading these, you know I need it. And I’m guessing you do, too…because pandemics are serious.

Sidenote: My husband has gotten us hooked on watching Tiger King on Netflix…have you watched it? It’s not family friendly…FYI. But also…how are these people real!?


the dance party – Josiah was very invested in it despite how he looks in this pic

Til tomorrow…

The Quarantine Life – TGIF!


at the car parade! 

Today almost…ALMOST…felt normal. We had a really really great day. This morning, about 10 friends and I created a car parade to drive by and surprise a friend that had a baby yesterday. We all made signs, taped them to our cars, and drove by cheering and waving. It was SO much fun! I think every single person felt happier. To physically see some of my friends in person lifted my mood 10x. And to see a 1 day old baby…not much better! If you have a chance to participate in a car parade for a friend, I highly encourage it. It was so easy and it benefits everyone involved!


the lineup of cars

We also sat outside in the sunshine most of the afternoon (and by “sat” I mean we played and walked and biked and ran and played some more). Sunshine truly heals and the sun was a total gift today. Tomorrow’s forecast is 100% rain…so there’s that.

Let’s recap.

How am I feeling today: It was probably our best day yet (in quarantine life). Car parade, sunshine, visiting with friends as they walked by on the street, grilling burgers, and kids going to bed early (oh wait…that last one has never happened…ever….ever ever).

Today’s Win: Today was a win in general. You should also know there was a specific moment in the day where I texted a friend saying, “I just need a vacation from my kids.” and I also texted my husband, “I quit.” So it wasn’t a perfect day…but it was good. Give me sunshine and time talking with/seeing friends and I can generally overlook the hard moments.

Funny kid moment today: Lately Soren has been saying the word “kill” a little too often – which I know is part of his five-year-old brain learning how to use words but also, not my favorite thing to hear about multiple times throughout the day. He made a more negative comment and I asked him to stop using those words as they were not nice. He said he wouldn’t change, so I said that I hope God helps him understand what is OK and what is not OK to say (I was feeling very tired and passed that parental duty off to God…thanks in advance, God). Soren thought about that and said, “Mom, God doesn’t need to talk to me, he just washes away my sin.” So…I feel like 1) he’s getting some of the messages I’m teaching him but 2) he’s missing a lot of the messages I’m teaching him. I asked him to explain that more and he said, “Yeah, God just takes his hand and wipes it all clean.” So literally wiping away our sin. My five year old processing his salvation.

Today’s hero: Our amazing babysitter (& her family) sent us a text telling us we would receive a delivery on our doorstep sometime today. They delivered some “boredom busters” for our kids…which is a nice gift for the kids, but a really really nice gift for those kid’s mom…which is me. Thank you babysitter – we will use your services again as soon as we are allowed!


very excited to sit in the front seat while we drove 100 feet at 2mph 

Other things worth mentioning from today: we have a new pet…a caterpillar named Mr. Fuzzy. Also, our neighbor, an older woman, invited Soren over to play in her garage (she has toys her grandkids usually play with) and he went…for 3 minutes. She came back with him and said, “Well…that didn’t last long.” Also Soren climbed our back gate to watch some yard work happening at our neighbor’s house at 8AM this morning. He has done this so many times and I no longer worry about it. Cue to 5 minutes later when he’s screaming for all the world to hear because he forgot how to get down and I had to rescue him…which was NOT an easy task when my baby belly is large and Soren is also pretty heavy. GOOD TIMES!


lots of attitude


Soren got stuck up there and scream cried til I saved him…which was fun at 28 weeks pregnant. 

Til tomorrow…

The Quarantine Life – My Business Idea


they were pretending to be on a boat heading for summer camp

While I attempted to FaceTime my parents this morning, I came up with a business idea. My kids were going BONKERS (as they do when I try to have any conversation with another adult) and I was saying to my parents that I wish I could swap kids with another mom for the day. Not that other kids are easier (but maybe some are…) but just to have a new set of challenges. Maybe a break from the usual challenges I have with my kids and welcome some new challenges. I don’t know…maybe I’m just bored and am desperate for entertainment. Anyway, I was thinking of it like a dating profile – sharing why you would pick me to swap kids with for the day…which heavily relies on what your kids have to offer. I was brainstorming out loud with my dad and said, “Well…they don’t listen, they don’t play well without my intervention, they ask for snacks constantly…but they are VERY entertaining and I always always have good stories at the end of the day. And I laugh a LOT!”

So…who wants to swap for the day? I should also add a 14 day quarantine is required prior to the swap. #becausecorona

Let’s quickly move on from this…


just the three of us…four if you count Puppy

How am I feeling today: Very very very very pregnant. It’s getting pretty serious…meaning I feel so very pregnant almost all of the time. And we have a LOT of weeks left. Yikes.

Today’s Win: A friend of mine had a baby early this morning…so to wake up to amazing news of new life was such a change from the normal slump of another day of quarantine. And it brought excitement for our baby to arrive.

Funny kid moment today: We still don’t have a name for baby boy – so most nights I ask Soren if he has any new name ideas for his brother. They are usually very creative and involve many syllables. Often times the name begins with “Mister” – which I’m going to confirm is 100% off the table of consideration. I threw a name idea out to my husband…a very normal name that not one person would think was “weird” but Soren looks at me like, “Are you kidding? That’s the weirdest name ever!” This coming from the kid that has recommended the following names: Mr. Pickle, Observation Car, Oddiot, Stinky Sneakers, Figaro (inspired by the Mickey Mouse books)…in case it wasn’t clear, he hasn’t hit the jackpot yet.

Today’s hero: Soren and I were playing soccer in the driveway, but he kept kicking the ball into the street. My older neighbor insisted on picking up the ball and tossing it back to us every single time because she said I had no business bending down to pick up a ball when I’m pregnant. Bless her.


I took a break today…drove to the lake, read my book for an hour, and it.was.amazing


dinner tonight – it was a win with 75% of the family (the other 25% is very hard to please)


Til tomorrow…

The Quarantine Life – Shelter Time


so happy (& Josiah making bacon outside)

It’s official, we are sheltering in place. Which is exactly what our family has been doing for the past week and a half. No new news here! I’m starting to come to terms with the fact that we will be living in this quarantine state until baby boy arrives…and then continuing to live like that for at least a month or two afterwards. I really hope I’m wrong about that…but I also need to set myself up for a pretty intense round of family time for the next 4-5 months (!!!!!).

Can we all say a collective prayer that they do not ban all guests from the labor & delivery room when this baby decides to come? Because God help the nurse that is alone with me during my labor. She will regret not allowing Josiah in the room. (I know this is for safety for all…but holy moly please don’t let that be a rule in our state in June).

A quick follow up: A few asked about the book study I mentioned yesterday. I am reading Jennie Allen’s Get Out of Your Head. It’s a new book that came out in January and so far, it’s delivering exactly what I need during this moment of pandemic life.

Let’s recap!


Zoom call w/ my friends last night! 

How am I feeling today: I feel a bit rejuvenated because I was able to Zoom with my friends last night during our book study. I literally couldn’t fall asleep because my brain was so energized from talking with friends. It was in that moment I confirmed I am an extrovert and need people in my life…even if that means Zoom style. On the flip side, I am grieving some “lasts” as nearly all of our school year activities have cancelled for the remainder of the year. Since Soren starts kindergarten this fall, I didn’t get to savor those “lasts” with him. I know that’s small on the grand scale of what’s happening in the world – but I still feel sad.

Today’s Win: I showered. My husband showered. My kids took a bath. We are four clean people!! That is so dumb but honestly – it helps to feel clean! 

Funny kid moment today: Soren has this way of making me laugh uncontrollably. And he knows it! This most often happens at dinner…and it usually involves Soren doing something ridiculous. Tonight? It was him running and jumping onto his dinner chair and flailing around and nearly falling off. It was really not that funny (especially typed out like this) and Josiah began to scold Soren on how close he was to hurting himself…but Soren only had eyes for his mother…who was silent laughing and had tears rolling down her cheeks. And then he keeps doing it or laughs hysterically…which only makes it worse for all of us. I don’t know what it is…but he will do just about anything to make me laugh…and I feel so dang special when he does that. I am controlled by a 5 year old! I’ll admit it! Also, when I’ve been pregnant in the past, I have had fits of laughter that I couldn’t control – probably the best “symptom” of pregnancy there ever was!

Today’s hero: I’m not sure who to thank for this – but I ordered baby boy a special outfit and it arrived today and I am SO excited! It’s so cute, it’s so soft, and it’s so new (unlike everything else he’ll wear). Now to convince Espen to give up his crib so baby has somewhere to sleep…and we need to buy newborn diapers…and a few other things.


baby boy…you’re going to be snuggled up in this soon!

Til tomorrow…and maybe a baby bump pic coming soon?

The Quarantine Life – A Little Heart Sharing

IMG_2374About three months ago, I was hit with a really strong nudge. I felt called to start a small book study with women. Sounds easy right? Well…it took about a full month for me to even consider the idea. This wasn’t a “Let’s get together and discuss a fun fiction book!” type book study. This was a book that challenged us to go deep, to be honest, to share some of our innermost thoughts…maybe even thoughts we aren’t consciously aware we are thinking. Long story short, my group met…13 of us agreed to meet. And it was great. And I felt like I had actually heard accurately from God that this was what he wanted. Like I had followed his leading. And five days after our first meeting, schools were cancelled, we all bought more food than our small South Minneapolis kitchen’s can actually hold, and toilet paper became the most popular kid at Costco.

Book club was on hold. I felt disappointed and like maybe I had heard wrong and this wasn’t the way God planned it. I felt defeated. But then I read something the other night that talked about God equipping us with whatever is needed to accomplish whatever it is he calls us to do. And I realized I had stopped the book study because it no longer looked the way I wanted it to look. My friends, cozy in my living room, drinking wine and munching on snacks. Connecting. Sharing life. Staying up way too late.

But I was reminded of the reason I started this group in the first place. I wanted women to connect – to learn from this book I felt so called to study with them – to be drawn to God by recognizing the lies and false thoughts running through our brain.

So we are back on…taking book study to Zoom, my new BFF. It will look way different and it may not be smooth – but the goal is to connect…now more than ever. To take time to recognize the thoughts running through our brain and sort out what lies we are believing. To recognize the anxieties running through our head and how to hand them over to God (so hard).

And I’m realizing that God knew the timing of all of us when he planted this idea in my head back at Christmas. How we would be allowed one meeting before heading into quarantine life. I don’t know how the rest of this book study will turn out, but I do firmly believe God has called us to connect with others during this time…even if we are scared. Even if it means staying up late. Even if it means no cozy hangouts in my living room.

Anyway, that’s just something on my mind I wanted to share and hope it encourages you. Or makes you think about how you can connect with others during these odd times.

Let’s recap…

How am I feeling today: Tired. And very pregnant. Third trimester is no joke…and I know it’ll only get more tiring! This sounds silly but sometimes I forget I am pregnant and forget my body’s limitations…and I try to do all the same things…and then I am exhausted. I could barely crawl into bed at 9:15 last night…I fell asleep in 1.2 seconds.

Today’s Win: Grocery delivery! And four gallons of milk because my kids will drink that by Sunday. And the Reese’s Easter eggs that I hid in my kitchen…don’t tell anyone.

Funny kid moment today: This is kid related but it is actually about the grocery deliver guy. I had requested he purchase any baby wipes he could find at Target (if you aren’t aware, these have been one of the many sold out items). He didn’t comment on this request so I assumed he had luck finding wipes. After going through my delivery, I realized he purchased one lonely pack of wipes. And that was the moment I knew he was not a parent. No parent purchases one measly pack of wipes. We purchase the 8 pack, minimum. Anyway, that just made me laugh. And also, time to ration my wipes.


Today’s hero: My grocery deliver guy – thank you for shopping for me! 

Til tomorrow…

The Quarantine Life – It’s OK to Have a Bad Day


when biking, make sure to wear your protective goggles

Good evening. I don’t feel like I have a lot to say here today – but let me just say this. I’ve been connecting with friends via text and a few neighbors as they walk past our driveway – and from the sounds of it, we all are struggling with some tough mental health days. If you had one today, know that you are normal and it is OK to have a hard day. Friday was a disaster day for me – mentally and emotionally – but you know what? I went to bed, got some rest, and the next day was better. Each day I wake up and remember this strange new reality we live in…and it’s heavy. We are allowed to have tough days…in fact, we probably should have tough days. Because this is new and it’s hard and it’s uncertain and the news is REALLY STRESSFUL.

Anyway, there’s no shame in having a bad day. Your kids will forgive you (also I got to show them that I have hard days and need to ask for forgiveness from them…good for them to know I mess up too). Reach out to a friend and tell them and let them encourage you. We cannot do this alone. We need support – even if it’s virtual and not as good as a big bear hug.

On to the recap…


it was 45 degrees…shorts weather in Minnesota! 

How am I feeling today: I did zero mental or actual prep for this week – which is funny because I’m usually pretty good at thinking of the week ahead. But I basically went into today blind…and it turned out! We played. We ate snacks(x100) but most importantly, the sun shined this afternoon and we played outside and it was life giving!

Today’s Win: Music. I hung out in the basement with the boys this morning and blasted music for us…and it was kind of like magic sauce for us. Anyone that knows my kids knows that we love music – and blasting it loud was today’s win…which will be repeated as often as possible.

Funny kid moment today: This afternoon, the boys and I played in our driveway. They biked in circles over and over and over again. They decided that it was my birthday and brought me all of their toys as my presents and sang Happy Birthday to me…for 20 minutes straight…at the top of their lungs. I kind of loved it!

Today’s hero: I got 3 letters in the mail today! Little known fact about me…but I LOVE mail. Like…LOVE it. I know exactly what time the mailman stops by each day and I always get excited to check the mail…even though 95% of the time, it’s junk mail. Quarantine is bringing back snail mail and I am here for it!


singing Happy Birthday…very loud…into his microphone

Til tomorrow…and remember, if you had a tough day, tell someone. Tell me. It’s too hard to do this alone right now.

The Quarantine Life – Sunday Scaries


my helpers…making banana bread!

Are you familiar with the phrase “Sunday scaries”? If not, it refers to that dread you feel Sunday night anticipating work on Monday morning. Well…I think the Sunday scaries have taken on a whole new meaning now. My “scaries” I face on Monday are way less scary than what a lot of people face – but scary, nonetheless.

If we are continuing the honest talk on here, I started feeling terribly anxious last night. I took a few days off of reading or watching news. The Lester Holt CoronaVirus special on Thursday night just about did me in so I took a break. But last night, before bed, I did a quick check of BAD IDEA! I tossed and turned all night and dreamt of being sick. The entire night. It was not restful. I also woke up around 1AM and baby was literally doing an aerobics routine which was probably initiated by the flood of stress hormones my body had released hours earlier. Stay tight little buddy – no need to come into this crazy world for awhile! Also, you don’t have a name and I need that finalized before you come.

I have no amazing advice on managing the anxiety – I’m trying prayer, taking daily walks (sometimes 2), I did a meditation today, and even some (mild….MILD) exercise. I also tried stress eating and that doesn’t end well. But life is stressful for all of us, whether we are on the front lines like some of my friends (pray for our healthcare workers! they need it!) or if you are on the “frontlines” at home facing a hangry two year old that wants toast every quarter hour, all day long.

Let’s do some recap.


our fav toy – a rocket launcher

How am I feeling today: While the day started out a little rough (rough sleep last night), I am overall doing okay! Anxious? Yes. Very. Tired? Always. Hopeful? That may be an exaggeration. But I’m also thankful for my health. And the forecast for the week looks more promising than last week.

Today’s Win: A couple things. 1) Banana bread from the Magnolia cookbook. I baked with the boys…which zapped some of my remaining patience, but they loved it. And it’s so good. 2) I listened to the first episode of Brene Brown’s new podcast called Unlocking Us. It felt so SO fitting. If you listen to it, her FFT concept helped me acknowledge how I’m feeling in the midst of this pandemic/quarantine. (Heads up – don’t listen to it with kids around. There is some language.) 3) Zoom hangouts are helping!

Funny kid moment today: Last night, after I had posted my blog from yesterday, Soren asked me how the baby would get out of my tummy. He’s asked this question a few times and I have successfully given him answers that weren’t lying…but also weren’t fully truthful. Anyway, he asked last night if I planned to hammer the baby out of my tummy. Sometimes I have to pause to hold myself from laughing because he’s serious…and I don’t want him to feel bad for sharing his ideas (even if it was terrible). Before I could respond, he said, “The baby is going to be like a cactus coming out.” And then I died. Because if the stress of anticipating labor isn’t enough, anticipating birthing a cactus will add a level of stress.

Today’s hero: Podcasts. I love podcasts and have been listening to many this week…I already mentioned Brene Brown’s Unlocking Us and she plans to release a new episode each day over the next three days. I also have been listening to That Sounds Fun, which is Annie Down’s podcast. She has been in quarantine by herself for a week or so due to exposure and she records a short podcast each morning with a friend to talk about life in quarantine. It’s equal parts funny and relatable. I have mannnnny other podcasts I love and can write about those some other time.


Til tomorrow…and hoping the Sunday scaries don’t get you too bad tonight. Punch ’em where it counts.

The Quarantine Life – Weekends Are My Favorite (still)


we are happy! today! 

It’s Saturday (my husband blasted Saturday Night’s Alright for Fighting by Elton John over breakfast) and we all were feeling the glory that is Saturday morning. Thanks for sticking with me through yesterday – it was a tough day and my eyes were very red to prove it. But today has been a turnaround and I’m hopeful we can maintain this mood through at least Monday mid-morning. #optimism

In breaking news, I sorta broke my social media fast for Lent. I mean…just on Facebook and I don’t really count Facebook as super duper social media to me. Yes, Facebook basically invented social media…but I’m more of an Instagram girl. So far, I’m staying away from the IG…but may be back sooner than the day we celebrate the resurrection. Just sayin…

Let’s get to the recap!


hi, it’s cold

How am I feeling today: Awesome, hopeful, yet still cooped up! It is so great to have two people to parent busy children. I’ve tried to set aside a few minutes to read a devotional first thing in the morning…if you own Jesus Calling (one of my favorite devotional books), read the entry from today. Super short, but encouraging!

Today’s Win: We went for a walk/bike around a local park that is by the Mississippi River and although it was really cold, it felt amazing to breathe fresh air and to be outside. We live in a smaller house so any chance we get to “get out” and run free is helpful! Ok…well I’m not running…you got me there…but I walk really really medium pace!

Funny kid moment today: When we arrived at the park to go on a walk, Soren saw a portable bathroom and immediately declared that he needed to pee. He has a weird obsession with portable bathrooms…much to my disliking. Anyway, to avoid germs, we told him to pee next to our car instead (it was private…) and he asked if he could pee ON our car. WHAT? What is that about? But wait…it gets worse. My husband said, “No, just pee on the tires.” WHAT THE? First of all, no thanks. Second of all, this is my car. Third, anytime my kids get the “go ahead” on any activity, they accept that as approval for life. I will not have my kids peeing on my car/tires for life. I took firm hold of that moment and declared that a HARD NO. Goodbye. #lifewithboys #imissbeingwithgirls

Today’s hero: My husband…for existing and not working today. But also the CEO of his company called him at 8:30AM…on a Saturday (we had to pause Elton John during the phone call). To be honest, I was a bit nervous at the call (what CEO calls an employee early on the weekend with good news?)…but opposite of my fears, he called to check in on us, ask how we were feeling, and if there was anything we needed. Can all CEO’s/boss’s be like him? Seriously! What a leader! What a hero!


reading from their new Bible that Soren’s teacher dropped off a couple days ago. And Espen digging for treasure. Also, Baylor represented on Josiah’s shirt… #sicem

Til tomorrow…