The Quarantine Life – It’s OK to Have a Bad Day


when biking, make sure to wear your protective goggles

Good evening. I don’t feel like I have a lot to say here today – but let me just say this. I’ve been connecting with friends via text and a few neighbors as they walk past our driveway – and from the sounds of it, we all are struggling with some tough mental health days. If you had one today, know that you are normal and it is OK to have a hard day. Friday was a disaster day for me – mentally and emotionally – but you know what? I went to bed, got some rest, and the next day was better. Each day I wake up and remember this strange new reality we live in…and it’s heavy. We are allowed to have tough days…in fact, we probably should have tough days. Because this is new and it’s hard and it’s uncertain and the news is REALLY STRESSFUL.

Anyway, there’s no shame in having a bad day. Your kids will forgive you (also I got to show them that I have hard days and need to ask for forgiveness from them…good for them to know I mess up too). Reach out to a friend and tell them and let them encourage you. We cannot do this alone. We need support – even if it’s virtual and not as good as a big bear hug.

On to the recap…


it was 45 degrees…shorts weather in Minnesota! 

How am I feeling today: I did zero mental or actual prep for this week – which is funny because I’m usually pretty good at thinking of the week ahead. But I basically went into today blind…and it turned out! We played. We ate snacks(x100) but most importantly, the sun shined this afternoon and we played outside and it was life giving!

Today’s Win: Music. I hung out in the basement with the boys this morning and blasted music for us…and it was kind of like magic sauce for us. Anyone that knows my kids knows that we love music – and blasting it loud was today’s win…which will be repeated as often as possible.

Funny kid moment today: This afternoon, the boys and I played in our driveway. They biked in circles over and over and over again. They decided that it was my birthday and brought me all of their toys as my presents and sang Happy Birthday to me…for 20 minutes straight…at the top of their lungs. I kind of loved it!

Today’s hero: I got 3 letters in the mail today! Little known fact about me…but I LOVE mail. Like…LOVE it. I know exactly what time the mailman stops by each day and I always get excited to check the mail…even though 95% of the time, it’s junk mail. Quarantine is bringing back snail mail and I am here for it!


singing Happy Birthday…very loud…into his microphone

Til tomorrow…and remember, if you had a tough day, tell someone. Tell me. It’s too hard to do this alone right now.

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