The Quarantine Life – Sunday Scaries


my helpers…making banana bread!

Are you familiar with the phrase “Sunday scaries”? If not, it refers to that dread you feel Sunday night anticipating work on Monday morning. Well…I think the Sunday scaries have taken on a whole new meaning now. My “scaries” I face on Monday are way less scary than what a lot of people face – but scary, nonetheless.

If we are continuing the honest talk on here, I started feeling terribly anxious last night. I took a few days off of reading or watching news. The Lester Holt CoronaVirus special on Thursday night just about did me in so I took a break. But last night, before bed, I did a quick check of BAD IDEA! I tossed and turned all night and dreamt of being sick. The entire night. It was not restful. I also woke up around 1AM and baby was literally doing an aerobics routine which was probably initiated by the flood of stress hormones my body had released hours earlier. Stay tight little buddy – no need to come into this crazy world for awhile! Also, you don’t have a name and I need that finalized before you come.

I have no amazing advice on managing the anxiety – I’m trying prayer, taking daily walks (sometimes 2), I did a meditation today, and even some (mild….MILD) exercise. I also tried stress eating and that doesn’t end well. But life is stressful for all of us, whether we are on the front lines like some of my friends (pray for our healthcare workers! they need it!) or if you are on the “frontlines” at home facing a hangry two year old that wants toast every quarter hour, all day long.

Let’s do some recap.


our fav toy – a rocket launcher

How am I feeling today: While the day started out a little rough (rough sleep last night), I am overall doing okay! Anxious? Yes. Very. Tired? Always. Hopeful? That may be an exaggeration. But I’m also thankful for my health. And the forecast for the week looks more promising than last week.

Today’s Win: A couple things. 1) Banana bread from the Magnolia cookbook. I baked with the boys…which zapped some of my remaining patience, but they loved it. And it’s so good. 2) I listened to the first episode of Brene Brown’s new podcast called Unlocking Us. It felt so SO fitting. If you listen to it, her FFT concept helped me acknowledge how I’m feeling in the midst of this pandemic/quarantine. (Heads up – don’t listen to it with kids around. There is some language.) 3) Zoom hangouts are helping!

Funny kid moment today: Last night, after I had posted my blog from yesterday, Soren asked me how the baby would get out of my tummy. He’s asked this question a few times and I have successfully given him answers that weren’t lying…but also weren’t fully truthful. Anyway, he asked last night if I planned to hammer the baby out of my tummy. Sometimes I have to pause to hold myself from laughing because he’s serious…and I don’t want him to feel bad for sharing his ideas (even if it was terrible). Before I could respond, he said, “The baby is going to be like a cactus coming out.” And then I died. Because if the stress of anticipating labor isn’t enough, anticipating birthing a cactus will add a level of stress.

Today’s hero: Podcasts. I love podcasts and have been listening to many this week…I already mentioned Brene Brown’s Unlocking Us and she plans to release a new episode each day over the next three days. I also have been listening to That Sounds Fun, which is Annie Down’s podcast. She has been in quarantine by herself for a week or so due to exposure and she records a short podcast each morning with a friend to talk about life in quarantine. It’s equal parts funny and relatable. I have mannnnny other podcasts I love and can write about those some other time.


Til tomorrow…and hoping the Sunday scaries don’t get you too bad tonight. Punch ’em where it counts.

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