The Quarantine Life – My Business Idea


they were pretending to be on a boat heading for summer camp

While I attempted to FaceTime my parents this morning, I came up with a business idea. My kids were going BONKERS (as they do when I try to have any conversation with another adult) and I was saying to my parents that I wish I could swap kids with another mom for the day. Not that other kids are easier (but maybe some are…) but just to have a new set of challenges. Maybe a break from the usual challenges I have with my kids and welcome some new challenges. I don’t know…maybe I’m just bored and am desperate for entertainment. Anyway, I was thinking of it like a dating profile – sharing why you would pick me to swap kids with for the day…which heavily relies on what your kids have to offer. I was brainstorming out loud with my dad and said, “Well…they don’t listen, they don’t play well without my intervention, they ask for snacks constantly…but they are VERY entertaining and I always always have good stories at the end of the day. And I laugh a LOT!”

So…who wants to swap for the day? I should also add a 14 day quarantine is required prior to the swap. #becausecorona

Let’s quickly move on from this…


just the three of us…four if you count Puppy

How am I feeling today: Very very very very pregnant. It’s getting pretty serious…meaning I feel so very pregnant almost all of the time. And we have a LOT of weeks left. Yikes.

Today’s Win: A friend of mine had a baby early this morning…so to wake up to amazing news of new life was such a change from the normal slump of another day of quarantine. And it brought excitement for our baby to arrive.

Funny kid moment today: We still don’t have a name for baby boy – so most nights I ask Soren if he has any new name ideas for his brother. They are usually very creative and involve many syllables. Often times the name begins with “Mister” – which I’m going to confirm is 100% off the table of consideration. I threw a name idea out to my husband…a very normal name that not one person would think was “weird” but Soren looks at me like, “Are you kidding? That’s the weirdest name ever!” This coming from the kid that has recommended the following names: Mr. Pickle, Observation Car, Oddiot, Stinky Sneakers, Figaro (inspired by the Mickey Mouse books)…in case it wasn’t clear, he hasn’t hit the jackpot yet.

Today’s hero: Soren and I were playing soccer in the driveway, but he kept kicking the ball into the street. My older neighbor insisted on picking up the ball and tossing it back to us every single time because she said I had no business bending down to pick up a ball when I’m pregnant. Bless her.


I took a break today…drove to the lake, read my book for an hour, and it.was.amazing


dinner tonight – it was a win with 75% of the family (the other 25% is very hard to please)


Til tomorrow…

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