The Quarantine Life – I’m 30!


SoSo & Puppy

Well…I’ve been 30 for 5 and a half years…but I am 30 weeks pregnant today! Woo hoo! Only 10 weeks to go…but hopefully less! (please please please please please)

Today our shelter in place orders were extended until May 4th. That’s not surprising to me…we are only just beginning the war against this virus…especially here in MN.

In completely unrelated news, I had a great discussion with a few friends last night about cynicism and how we combat that. It’s easy to be super cynical right now and to be downright pessimistic – but it does a major toll on our mentality and our overall existence! I’m the first to admit my headspace hasn’t been leaning towards positivity – but I am doing my best to filter out negativity right now and to focus on what’s going great, what I’m thankful for, and especially this week…where my ultimate hope and strength comes from (Hint: it’s Easter/Holy week and the answer is God…it usually is). Anyway, I know not everyone reading this is super spiritual or has my same beliefs – but looking to a power greater than yourself, greater than humanity, gives an element of hope. There are one million reasons to have anxiety right now…and I succumb to those on a daily basis…but when I spend time in prayer, in getting outside of my own head, in thinking of things bigger than myself, in God’s ultimate promise to a great life beyond this life…I feel relief. Hope.


time stamp on this picture is 8:42AM…casually eating a tortilla

Whew. That was a lot…FYI when I write these, it’s a spew of my brain…I don’t plan ahead of what I will write and I usually write these in about 15 minutes. When you’re quarantined with little boys, you don’t have a lot of “down time” to write blog posts.

As I wrote that last sentence, I heard Espen trip on a down spout outside and he is currently screaming. He’s fine. I’m sure of it. What was I saying about down time?


happy 5th birthday Gretchen!! 

Let’s recap.

How am I feeling today: We got to participate in our third birthday parade today – which is quickly becoming our thing. It’s the only reason the boys ever get into the car these days. It’s fun to line up down the block with other cars and to slowly drive by the front yard of the birthday person…and to see how happy they are…judging by the giant smile on their face. And then we have to drive away (after another loop around the block) and it’s really sad to leave without getting out of your car. But I’ll still take the joy I receive from seeing my friends!

Today’s Win: I have been on a steady diet of Arnold Palmer’s this week. Springtime hits and I feel the need to drink my iced tea & lemonade drink. It’s so refreshing and a side benefit is that the lemonade seems to ease my nausea…for a bit. Thank you Mr. Palmer.

Funny Kid Moment Today: Last night Espen asked for a cheese stick and crackers for his bedtime snack. Sure, that works. He has a super funny way of eating it though. He takes small bites of the cheese stick, spits them out, lines up all of his crackers, and places a small bite of cheese on each cracker. I caught a picture of it to share with all of you. Enjoy my quirky son.


his face makes me laugh every time I see this picture

Today’s Hero: We decided late yesterday that we would release Mr. Fuzzy…our pet caterpillar. When Soren went outside to set him free, he couldn’t get himself to do it. Tender hearted boy (although I’d argue Mr. Fuzzy would do better in nature vs. our kitchen table). Well I’m happy to report Mr. Fuzzy is still with us and he has seemed even more active than usual today…even crawling up one of the sticks we placed in his “home.” Will we see him through his metamorphosis? Time will tell…and luckily we have all the time to give right now.


Grammy made this “worksheet” for him – he did great at the math, but can’t write numbers…yet!


30 weeks with baby boy!

Til tomorrow…which is my husband’s “Friday” this week! YAY!!

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