The Quarantine Life – I’m Back!


singing their new song called Corona Virus

Consistency isn’t always my forte. So I took an unplanned 2 day break from posting on here simply because I felt really tired and wanted to go to bed instead of writing blog posts. I’m growing a human…and that’s a lot of work. There’s not enough sleep to feel rested right now.

What have you missed out on the last 3 days? Hm…we are still quarantined, we are still eating all meals at home, my boys still have a lot of energy and don’t sleep through the night. So…you basically knew what we were up to! Same same.


chocolate milk – good for the 2 year old body

Let’s recap!

How am I feeling today: I think a reason I’m feeling so tired is that I am having incredibly vivid dreams at night. I saw an article headline the other day saying that a lot of people were having vivid dreams right now…so anyone else? Last night I dreamt I went into labor, but somewhere towards the end of labor, the scene went dark and I woke up later…with the nurse escorting me to the exit of the hospital (I think I had my baby with me?) and I saw it was snowing outside. I was curious about that so I asked why it was snowing in June…but she informed me it was September because I had been put in a coma for 4 months (they forgot to tell me). I was very upset…mostly because I had skipped summertime. Naturally, I left the hospital and took a horse drawn carriage home. WHAT! It was so vivid it was almost like it really happened when I woke up. I’m happy to report it wasn’t real and just a dream.


after another light workout (that was super hard for me!)

Today’s Win: The biggest win from the past few days is that I have washed all of baby’s clothes and almost have his room ready to go! This is BY FAR the earliest I have been prepared for a baby…like extremely early. For context, I am pretty sure we setup Soren’s crib a week or two before he arrived. And with Espen, we moved homes 10 days before he was born (& I should add that he was 5 days late!). So we are totally ready for this baby!


almost ready for you baby!

Funny Kid Moment Today: Soren has been rocking out on Josiah’s guitar…and he made up this SUPER awesome song called Corona Virus…in which he uses his “angry” singing voice and yells “Corona Virus” over and over and over again. It’s loud and perfectly expresses our families rage towards this dang virus. Go away CV!

Today’s Hero: I just got a text that my Shipt shopper is at Target picking up my groceries. Bless her/him (gender neutral name….not sure). I am so thankful to not have to go to the store. I’m not excited to wipe down all my groceries but such is life these days.


eating outside! but also preparing for a small blizzard tomorrow…


he joined me for my rest time…I didn’t rest…

Also, I should add that I made The Defined Dish’s sour cream chicken taquitos (but without sour cream…sub ranch…because limited supplies). They were outstanding. Google her. Find that recipe. So so good! One of my kids even ate a bite!



Til tomorrow…