The Quarantine Life – It’s Only Tuesday?


Soren and I each “working” today – BSF for me, Water Wow for him

Well…if you read yesterday’s post, today’s could be fairly similar. It was rather mundane, it snowed again, and it’s freezing. I keep looking at the forecast and long for time to speed up to next week when we get reacquainted with the 60 degree mark. I realize we could go play outside right now…but it’s been months…MONTHS…of wearing our warm weather clothes to bundle up and play outside and I am OVER it. Bad attitude? Sure.

One bright spot – I put a new outfit on Espen today. I bought it awhile back but it was intended for a warm Spring day…but today felt right so I had him wear it and every time I looked at him, I had to smile! And Soren chose to match his brother by also wearing tie-dye and I wasn’t mad about it!


this outfit is so cozy…

Let’s recap!

How am I feeling today: I feel like I am wandering through the days this week without any direction or purpose. I don’t know what’s different this week than the previous four weeks…I don’t have any projects I’m working on, I don’t have a lot of energy for creative activities for my kids, maybe this is just quarantine burnout? I was really excited and looking forward to Easter…and now that is over…so maybe I just feel heavy with the reality of everything. I’m guessing I’m not alone.

Today’s Win: My mom is such a fun Grammy and has created “homework” worksheets for my kids (& the other grandkids) and sends them in the mail along with a treat. They have to complete the homework before they can have the treat. She creates it all from scratch and it’s so much fun for the kids. This week’s worksheet even included a “gym” portion where the kids had to do some physical activities. And when they’re done…they get to enjoy the treat. We also send a completed picture of the worksheet to Grammy.


Can you tell he is proud of his work? 

Funny Kid Moment Today: Two quick stories from today. First, Soren drew a family portrait today. I asked him to include baby brother, but he declined since baby isn’t born yet. He was willing to include baby brother shown in my tummy – so enjoy this picture. What a cute moment in time snapshot – both with the baby in my tummy and Soren’s adorable drawing skills at age 5. The second story is less cute, more funny. Espen was running a few laps up and down the sidewalk (a quick energy buster) while I watched from inside the front door. Soren came up and was watching with me. He looks at my backside, taps my bottom and said, “Cute bunsies, mom!” And then we both laughed and laughed. I didn’t realize it, but I say this to my kids all the time…because…well…kid buns are so cute…especially if you are their mom (anyone else??). Well he was just repeating what he’s heard and complimenting his mother. Oh man…we laughed pretty hard about that. And thanks for the compliment, Soren!


Larson Fam! 

Today’s Hero: Amazon delivered a few items a day early today…and I think that deserves a hero callout! We ordered two activity books, a pair of sandals for Soren, and needles to pump up basketballs…all essential needs, if you ask us. And they arrived a day early! Amazon, I heart you.

Til tomorrow…