The Quarantine Life – Will This Week End?


morning snack was smoothie bowls with a mashmallow on top

The week of mundane continues – but I will say that today was much better than the prior two days. We just got back from our evening walk…I had to hurry home because pregnancy nausea is still real and raging. Funnnn.

My husband was telling me that he looked at the average temps for April in Minneapolis and we are currently about 20 degrees below average! AHHH! No wonder we all feel miserable – stuck at home with the winter that will not quit!

I talk about the weather a lot on here. That’s pretty basic and annoying. Sorry. And it’ll likely continue.


Soren and I working on a preschool workbook (which requires a lot of patience from me)

Let’s recap!

How am I feeling today: It’s Weds – midweek and I always look forward to the weekend! Another week completed, another week closer to the end of this (are we halfway done? are we 20% done? Are we 5% done? No one knows.) and we are also a week closer to baby.

Today’s Win: Shower for the win! Showers make you feel like a new person…and I’m pretty sure I’ve said that before on here. #repeat

Funny Kid Moment: I don’t have a lot on this from today – but Soren just came busting into the house demanding his Croc sandals. They are his current ‘house shoe’ of choice and he claims they keep him warm. I am pretty sure the point of Croc’s is the opposite of that…but whatever!

Today’s Hero: I decided we were going to have chicken fried rice for dinner. But then I realized we had about 1 tablespoon of soy sauce left – so I quickly messaged my sis-in-law that lives 3 blocks away and she also had about 1 tablespoon left. So I did a quick curbside pickup order from Target and within 45 minutes of realizing I was out of soy sauce, we had a brand new bottle. It was pretty awesome. Why does this amaze me…it’s nothing new?! But still…it was a tiny win in the midst of a super mundane day!


post-nap snuggles

If you’re thinking these posts are getting a little shorter and a little less exciting, I’m right there with you. I’m hoping things pick up soon and we have more to discuss!

Til tomorrow…

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