The Quarantine Life – I’m 30!


SoSo & Puppy

Well…I’ve been 30 for 5 and a half years…but I am 30 weeks pregnant today! Woo hoo! Only 10 weeks to go…but hopefully less! (please please please please please)

Today our shelter in place orders were extended until May 4th. That’s not surprising to me…we are only just beginning the war against this virus…especially here in MN.

In completely unrelated news, I had a great discussion with a few friends last night about cynicism and how we combat that. It’s easy to be super cynical right now and to be downright pessimistic – but it does a major toll on our mentality and our overall existence! I’m the first to admit my headspace hasn’t been leaning towards positivity – but I am doing my best to filter out negativity right now and to focus on what’s going great, what I’m thankful for, and especially this week…where my ultimate hope and strength comes from (Hint: it’s Easter/Holy week and the answer is God…it usually is). Anyway, I know not everyone reading this is super spiritual or has my same beliefs – but looking to a power greater than yourself, greater than humanity, gives an element of hope. There are one million reasons to have anxiety right now…and I succumb to those on a daily basis…but when I spend time in prayer, in getting outside of my own head, in thinking of things bigger than myself, in God’s ultimate promise to a great life beyond this life…I feel relief. Hope.


time stamp on this picture is 8:42AM…casually eating a tortilla

Whew. That was a lot…FYI when I write these, it’s a spew of my brain…I don’t plan ahead of what I will write and I usually write these in about 15 minutes. When you’re quarantined with little boys, you don’t have a lot of “down time” to write blog posts.

As I wrote that last sentence, I heard Espen trip on a down spout outside and he is currently screaming. He’s fine. I’m sure of it. What was I saying about down time?


happy 5th birthday Gretchen!! 

Let’s recap.

How am I feeling today: We got to participate in our third birthday parade today – which is quickly becoming our thing. It’s the only reason the boys ever get into the car these days. It’s fun to line up down the block with other cars and to slowly drive by the front yard of the birthday person…and to see how happy they are…judging by the giant smile on their face. And then we have to drive away (after another loop around the block) and it’s really sad to leave without getting out of your car. But I’ll still take the joy I receive from seeing my friends!

Today’s Win: I have been on a steady diet of Arnold Palmer’s this week. Springtime hits and I feel the need to drink my iced tea & lemonade drink. It’s so refreshing and a side benefit is that the lemonade seems to ease my nausea…for a bit. Thank you Mr. Palmer.

Funny Kid Moment Today: Last night Espen asked for a cheese stick and crackers for his bedtime snack. Sure, that works. He has a super funny way of eating it though. He takes small bites of the cheese stick, spits them out, lines up all of his crackers, and places a small bite of cheese on each cracker. I caught a picture of it to share with all of you. Enjoy my quirky son.


his face makes me laugh every time I see this picture

Today’s Hero: We decided late yesterday that we would release Mr. Fuzzy…our pet caterpillar. When Soren went outside to set him free, he couldn’t get himself to do it. Tender hearted boy (although I’d argue Mr. Fuzzy would do better in nature vs. our kitchen table). Well I’m happy to report Mr. Fuzzy is still with us and he has seemed even more active than usual today…even crawling up one of the sticks we placed in his “home.” Will we see him through his metamorphosis? Time will tell…and luckily we have all the time to give right now.


Grammy made this “worksheet” for him – he did great at the math, but can’t write numbers…yet!


30 weeks with baby boy!

Til tomorrow…which is my husband’s “Friday” this week! YAY!!

The Quarantine Life – Sunshine & Meltdowns


afternoon walk in the sunshine

The only news of the day was the weather.

Morning: fog, rain, mist, ick.

Afternoon: sunshine, almost 70 degrees, perfection, me smiling all afternoon.

Weather is so boring to talk about – but that’s honestly what I’m left with today. I also assembled a lamp, but that may be more boring than the weather!


classic Soren

How am I feeling today: So much better than yesterday and thriving in the sunshine. Life also feels normal when it’s nice out, right? Almost. Our state is announcing a likely extension on our “shelter in place” orders sometime tomorrow. I’m curious how long this order will remain in place – but I feel confident our family will be staying put longer than the recommendation.

Today’s Win: I fought Espen at nap time today. You guys – it was a battle of the minds! He sat on his bed screaming and crying while I sang him all of his favorite songs. He continued to yell at me, “NOT THAT SONG!” Then I would move to a new song, “NOT THAT SONG!” and I kept at it for about 15 minutes until my eardrums couldn’t handle the screaming any longer. I left his room, shut the door…and guess what? He fell asleep on his own. Honestly it was a gift. That kid is in a rut and he’s cranky and God bless sleep. Will he sleep tonight? Who knows…


a picture of my victory in the nap time battle

Funny kid moment today: The boys wanted a snack this morning so we made a smoothie – also known as “I will get you to eat fruits (& even sometimes veggies) in a secret way. Well I typically make myself a smoothie bowl with granola, coconut and fruit on top…they decided they also wanted a “bowl smoothie” but didn’t want toppings. So they drank smoothies out of their bowls with straws. It was odd but it worked…and when things work, you go with it.


smoothie bowl!

Today’s hero: Sunshine, you are my hero. 


I dressed normal today – meaning I didn’t wear sweats!


Espen prefers to eat PB&J for every.single.meal

Til tomorrow!

The Quarantine Life – We Are Baby Ready(ish)


this is how dinner ends every night – all the boys sitting on one chair

Today was semi-uneventful. Well…if we’re being honest, the biggest event of the day was the fact that Espen skipped his nap and it was not ideal! I count on that nap time to have my own moment of rest – both physical and mental rest. Well…no can do today because I was mom’ing hard from early morning til the present moment.

With the boys moving into the same room last weekend, we have now created space for baby brother to have his own room. He’s the only member of the family to have his own room…lucky guy. While I still have roughly 10 more weeks til he arrives, I’m starting to feel like I need to prepare the home. Nesting? Maybe. I don’t love that term…it makes me feel like I’m being paralleled to a bird and I don’t love birds. Anyway, I ordered diapers and a few other “necessary” items for both baby and myself for our postpartum experience. If you’ve been through this experience yourself, you probably know what I mean by necessary items. It’s fun…birthing children, that is. I try not to think about it too much…because it’s happening soon and it is not pleasant. I know some of you reading this are women that love the birth process – you know what I love? The SECOND it’s over! Honestly the moment I was done laboring with Espen was one of the most joyful moments of my life. Soren too…but I was a little delirious from a majorly exhausting labor with him (sixty-eight freaking hours – you can read more about that here if you are bored).

Why am I still talking about birth? Let’s move to recap.


this is a horrible screenshot, but my dad and Soren rocked out together on FaceTime

How am I feeling today: It’s Monday and I definitely felt that today. I’m thankful to be able to stay home with my family…but everything feels a bit heavy right now. Everything I hear says it’s going to be a really hard week or two…and that’s just tough to hear when everything already feels a bit hard.

Today’s Win: I bought size 1 diapers for the baby so I feel productive! Also note that I did not bother with “newborn” size diapers…because we had a lot of those with Espen but guess what? They barely fit and he had many blowouts as a result. I’m not wishing another 10 pound baby on myself…but it’s also necessary to be honest about what’s likely to happen. So…size one diapers are are starting point.

Funny kid moment today: Espen went outside to jump on the trampoline by himself this morning. Totally fine. He got inside the netting and worked on shutting the zipper…but he couldn’t get the last foot of zipper to close. I could read his thoughts from afar…he was thinking, “Could I fall out of this tiny opening in the zipper?” So he bent down and saw if he could crawl through the tiny space…attempting to force his head through the zipper. He decided it was OK and he was in no danger of falling out through the tiny opening…and proceeded to jump on the trampoline. I was impressed with his safety measures…but just so you know, when he went out to jump later on in the day, he didn’t bother closing any part of the zipper which definitely was a safety issue. He doesn’t care.

Today’s hero: PBS Kids is today’s hero because it allowed me 20 minutes to take a shower while my kid’s were entertained and not fighting. Showers are good…I felt like a new person afterwards.

Til tomorrow…

The Quarantine Life – A Very Good Food Day


homemade biscuits make you forget about pandemics…for a few minutes

You know what’s been a real bummer about quarantine life? Not going out to eat and having to make breakfast, snack, snack again, lunch, snack, snack again, and dinner (and bedtime snack) over and over and over again for 21 days straight. No breaks. Now…I realize there are restaurants open for delivery/takeout – but as of now, we are choosing to eat at home to avoid any further exposure…but that may change over the next few weeks as my cooking muscle grows weak.

Now…you should know I actually love to cook. Like a lot. I listened to two podcasts today all about cooking. Well…one was about starting a cookbook club (anyone want in?) and one was about how to repurpose leftovers for the next meal. But it is getting old – I love trying new recipes but when I’m eliminating those quick runs to the grocery store for an ingredient I forgot, it’s hard to try new recipes. Because I ALWAYS forget something. Always. 100% of the time.

But today, I made homemade biscuits (Thanks Joanna Gaines for the recipe). We ate breakfast sandwiches on homemade biscuits…and I think my heart (like my actual organ) cried a little bit due to the high fat intake in one meal. YOU’LL BE FINE! But tonight I am making a minestrone soup from one of my fav foodies – The Defined Dish (I miss watching her stories on IG…one more week of social media fasting…even though I went back on Facebook a few weeks ago…). I hope it’s good and there is a 100% chance my kids won’t eat it and a 100% chance they will eat cheese quesadillas. It’s quarantine life…survive however you can.


are you drooling yet? i wish i could share…but i can’t, sorry

Let’s recap.

How am I feeling today: It’s the weekend so overall it’s great…plus it was super sunny today! I will say I am very tired because the boys didn’t do great on their first night sleeping in the same room. Early bedtime for all tonight!

Today’s Win: I went on a walk by myself today – I haven’t done that in quite awhile (like a week) and I need to start doing this as often as possible. However…I forgot that my body is at about a 7 block max before my baby belly tells me it’s too tired to go on…and I hit that point when I was very far from home. I slowed my pace, took deep breaths, and prayed for no early labor due to my excessive walking. That’s partly sarcastic, partly serious.

Funny kid moment today: This is less funny, more sweet. Soren is a huge music guy – he loves to sing and play instruments. If you’ve followed me on IG for the past couple years, you are very familiar with this fun fact. In the past six months or so, he’s been less interested in music and much more camera shy. Today, however, as we were preparing to watch the children’s sermon from our church, he grabbed his guitar and decided to host a family sing-a-long. He even took requests! I love this boy and I hope we can start some guitar lessons soon…although he says he already knows how to play and does not need lessons. Gotta love that confidence.


singing worship songs for his family

Today’s hero: Now…don’t take this the wrong way…but I am going to nominate myself today…because I have been a LAZY cook the past three weeks, but today I made two knockout meals for my family (even if they refuse to eat them). Don’t worry…it’s likely we will eat very easy meals the remainder of this week. This is not a trend.


both boys do this…put their animals on their heads when their hands are otherwise occupied




bump spotted on my walk

Til tomorrow…

The Quarantine Life – A Very Exciting Day


new roommates

I am writing this as I sit on a dining room chair I’ve placed in Soren & Espen’s room…while they attempt to fall asleep on their very first night sharing a room. It was a BIG day in the Larson home! We have so much to recap. But first you should know we are 17 minutes deep on bedtime and no end in sight.

The day started out early for me – I woke up at 6am, put on yesterday’s exact outfit, inhaled some breakfast, strapped on my new favorite accessory (hint: it’s a mask) and went to the grocery store for a massive haul. I haven’t been to a grocery store in almost three weeks. We were getting very low on food (no milk, eggs, fruit, or veggies) so I decided to go to our local grocery store that hosts vulnerable shopper hours from 7-8AM. I can honestly say I have never been in a grocery store parking lot at 6:45AM with massive amounts of fellow shoppers – but that was the scene. To be honest, it was mostly myself and senior citizens – and most were wearing masks. I felt happy to have a mask on my face – which is a statement I couldn’t imagine I would ever utter 3-4 weeks ago. Life is weird.

We also assembled a trampoline for our yard today – and by “we” I mean Josiah did 100% of the work. But guess who assembled two twin beds today? That’s right – I did…along with my belly, which was often in the way.

Quick check-in: I’ve told the boys to be quiet & lay down approximately 723 times in the last five minutes. This is going great.

Let’s recap!


I have great hopes for this trampoline – please be a great helper to us this summer!

How am I feeling today: It felt like a fairly normal Saturday – grocery shopping, house projects, playing outside. Then I remember the pandemic…so there’s that. I haven’t watched any news in a few days – it’s better for my mental health…but I do need to check in every few days to at least know what’s going on. Or maybe I don’t? I don’t know.

Today’s Win: I would 100% say the trampoline was the win of the day. As of now, I’m going to say moving the boys into the same room is not a win…yet. It will get there…it HAS to get there…please get there!

Funny kid moment today: We have been talking to the boys for weeks about sharing a room…and their new beds. I assembled the first bed this morning, then Espen took a final nap in his crib before I assembled the second bed. After both beds were assembled and placed in his room, he came into his room and said, “I get two beds?” So I guess he completely missed the memo that Soren was moving into his room. Sorry kid – no one in this house gets two beds…especially when that person is two years old and only takes up 25% of one single twin bed.

Today’s hero: I have to say a giant thank you to all of the people working at the grocery stores. They were all so helpful, so calm, so focused on stocking and cleaning. I am so thankful for them and their work – all with a smile on their faces and a great attitude. I can’t imagine it is easy and I’m sure they deal with many grumpy shoppers. You guys are heroes!

Tomorrow starts Holy Week – I have debated on whether or not I continue this daily recap or if I take a break this week. I haven’t decided yet so I guess I’ll keep you in suspense for now!


I feel like you needed some real life – this was our dining room at 3:30 today. Chaos!

Til tomorrow…

The Quarantine Life – The One with the Trampoline


serious cuddle sesh after nap today

TGIF! Not quite the same ring to it that it used to have…but still…TGIF! It snowed here today – which wasn’t ideal – but I’m healthy! AND THAT’S WHAT MATTERS! Right?

Interruption: Soren just came inside to tell me he needs a second pair of socks because he is freezing. What you don’t know if that he’s playing outside with his jacket unzipped. I suggested zipping his coat to help stay warm…I was quickly dismissed. Mom knows nothing.


Let’s recap.


Josiah and Soren building our trampoline

How am I feeling today: Ready for the weekend…aka having my husband around to help parent our seriously active children. I am also in a dilemma…we are running on limited food at this point…but I also keep hearing about how critical the next two weeks are to stay home…and I didn’t have great success with grocery delivery. I may make my first grocery trip during “vulnerable” hours which means getting to the store at 6:45AM…which is crazy but also worth it.

Today’s Win: I don’t recall if I mentioned this…but we ordered a full size trampoline and it arrived today (in one thousand pieces). My kids are so excited and so are the parents! Josiah is maybe less excited because he has to assemble it. One quick story – we ordered the trampoline from WalMart and if you know me, that’s CRAZY because I am not a fan of that store (Hello…I worked for Target for almost 10 years). It’s fine, I’m fine. But about 20 minutes after we purchased it online, I got a text from my bank saying they suspected suspicious activity on my credit card for a WalMart purchase. I was laughing so hard that even my bank knows my store preferences!

Funny kid moment today: Before the quarantine started, I purchased a few art activities to use as needed with the boys. I bought two bunny cutouts for the boys to paint…thinking they would be very excited and it would take awhile to paint. So…this morning felt like the right time to pull out that activity. I setup the table with paints, paintbrushes, a tablecloth covering, and got the boys setup. They began to paint…I walked into the kitchen to grab a speaker so they could listen to some music…I walked back into the dining room (mind you these rooms are 5 feet apart)…and Soren announces, “I’m done!” WHAT!!! He painted for 15 seconds. I looked at his bunny…there were two eyes and a smile…and that was all he felt was needed. I wasn’t having it so I demanded he do more painting and I got another 2 minutes out of him before it was OVER! So you could say activities are going really well over here. SEND MORE SUPPLIES.


Espen’s on the left, Soren’s on the right…Happy Easter??

Today’s hero: Like I mentioned, our trampoline was delivered today and the awesome Fedex guys took a cue from the label on the box and delivered it to our backyard vs. leaving the heavy boxes at the front door. I thanked them (through the glass door) as many times as I could while he walked back to his truck. Thanks again to those who are working SO HARD during this time! Heroes, indeed!


I wrote the majority of this post with him strangling me like this. All typos are his fault or my lack of oxygen…or pregnancy brain. I have a lot of excuses…

Til tomorrow…

The Quarantine Life – What day is it?


those little frog boots on the wrong feet…

Does anyone else feel like they’re in the movie Groundhog Day? If you’re too young to know that reference, it basically means every day feels the same…almost like a repeat of yesterday…over and over. Our previous schedule of activities broke up the week a bit – but now it’s just all one blob of home life.

I was going to share this last week but never got to it…we just had so much else to talk about, I guess? Anyway, I had a mini breakdown about a week and a half ago because this quarantine has totally disrupted my life and my schedule (duh…everyone is in the same boat). But I rely heavily on my activities to break up my days and to get some breaks from parenting during the week. Well…that’s all gone and I am with my boys all.the.time. It was getting to be a lot and I very calmly shared my difficulty in dealing with this to my husband. Wait…it wasn’t quite like that…it was more of a mental breakdown involving a day full of crying and feeling mad at him…which he didn’t deserve. But we worked out a plan where he would take 1-2 hours a week to watch the boys while I get a “break” – whatever that may mean. I can tell you it hasn’t happened as often as we initially planned due to other conflicts (…doctor’s appt…) but today I took an hour to drive by myself, park near a lake, and read a book in uninterrupted silence. It was nice – it wasn’t crazy rejuvenating because I would rather have met up with a friend or gone to a coffee shop to be around people, but take what you can get, right?!


my view from where I parked today to read for an hour…overlooking the lake (or as close as I could get since roads are shut down!) 

Moral of the story: I had to ask for what I needed…and even though it was really hard, it’s nice to know I will have at least one mental break a week…even if it’s just an hour.

Recap time…


stopping to check in on daddy, who is working in the basement

How am I feeling today: Encouraged. As I drove around earlier today, I noticed so many people have encouraging signs or awesome kid artwork in their windows. It gave me this feeling of being united as a community – a feeling I think we’ve lost a bit of lately – and the positive message people are spreading…I’m hopeful we can see this pandemic through sooner than later (…please please please…) and remain united after it’s over. And keep being friendly to everyone on the street. I know that’s a rosy picture – but we need all the positivity we can get right now.

Today’s Win: I already mentioned this in the beginning, but having an hour to be alone in silence (or with music playing really loud that wasn’t “kids songs”) was really nice! If you have capacity to sneak away for an hour (or 30 minutes), just take your car for a drive and clear you head!

Funny kid moment today: One of Soren’s preschool classmates and his family happened to bike by our house this morning so we were standing outside talking with them. During this encounter, Espen became very concerned and told Josiah that there was “something” in his pants. Not an ideal thing to hear from your two year old, right? But upon inspection, Josiah realized that Espen’s fully soaked diaper had actually fallen off of his torso and fallen down one of his pant legs…resting around his ankle. I mean…it was pretty hilarious and we were just thankful it was a ‘pee’ diaper and not a…well…a worse one.

Today’s hero: We have LOVED getting to see our friends or family when they take a walk by our house…and today, a few of Soren’s teachers did a walk through our neighborhood so he got to talk to them for a few minutes. We also made new friends with our neighbors that walked by. I think a positive impact from this whole experience is going to be neighborhood bonding. I hope to keep seeing these people out on our daily walks throughout the summer.


he lacks personality…it’s too bad


“we are fishing!”

Til tomorrow…

The Quarantine Life – A Parade & A Prayer Request


smiles during our car parade

Today has been a very normal day in this life of quarantine. I am so thankful we remain healthy! We are officially 29 weeks pregnant with this nameless baby which is amazing! I do feel like I’ve been pregnant for 2 years…but only 3 more years til my due date!


happy birthday Jeremy!! dots by Soren, artwork on the far left by Espen, horrible handwriting by me… #knowyourstrengths 

This afternoon we were able to participate in our second car parade for my brother-in-law’s birthday! They live only 3 blocks away from us – so the commute was nice! It was a surprise parade and it was so fun to see so many people out celebrating him. And the boys LOVED it! I said this before…but if you have a chance to participate in a car parade, it benefits all people involved.


morning snack (well…snack #1…) outside on a very dirty table

Recap time…

How am I feeling today: Can I ask you to pray for my pregnancy nausea to subside? It’s been raging since week 5 of pregnancy and we hit 29 today…that’s a whole lotta sick days. I am 100% thankful for this boy and will do 11 more weeks of nausea if that’s what it takes, but with all of the madness going on around us, I’d appreciate a break from nausea. (Hey God…lookin at you…I’m basically begging at this point…but you already knew that from our chat earlier today…)

Today’s Win: I have somewhat brainwashed my kids. You see…they really like to play catch or kick a soccer ball back and forth with me. But I am also very pregnant and don’t like to move a lot (call me lazy…you try being pregnant during a quarantine with 2 ACTIVE children). I have taught them that mommy sits in her chair and I only kick or throw balls that come directly to me. Otherwise they are in charge of retrieving the ball. And to be honest…my kid’s don’t have the best aim yet so they are running all over the place…so it’s honestly a win/win since I don’t have to be super active, but also they burn a lot of energy. I also purposely throw/kick the ball far away from them so they have to run and get it. I’m either horrible and lazy or a super genius.

Funny kid moment today: This is more of a PSA but apparently people are putting teddy bears in their windows so that kids can go for a walk around their neighborhood on a “bear hunt” – I heard about this a day or two ago and have started to look for bears on our walks/drives. I saw a few today and I got very excited…as did Soren. Espen doesn’t give a crap. I may try to stick one in our window and hope someone else is also on a bear hunt. (Note: No bears were hurt in this hunt…)

Today’s hero: This morning I was kicking a ball with Soren when the ball went into the street. It was super windy today so the ball took off down the street. Soren went out to get it (yes he looks both ways before crossing) but he started getting further away and the ball was picking up speed. I yelled for him to stop and tried to figure out what to do. Espen was playing in the driveway…Soren was half a block away…our favorite ball was about 2 blocks away and counting. How could I manage all three of these things at once? Literally 5 seconds later, I saw two neighbors come out of nowhere and run after the ball! It’s like they were watching us waiting for me to need help – because we all know I need some help, right? I later noticed that one of these two neighbors had actually run out from inside her house! You guys – I felt so taken care of and appreciative of my neighbors! Heroes!


cutest 3-headed-monster 


his smile looks 100% fake aka “My mom is making me do this…”


my 29 weeks of glory post-20-minute-workout (& not a SECOND longer) 

Til tomorrow…

The Quarantine Life – A 3 Shot Kind of Day


early morning chores!

Today I had a moment that I feel will be forever etched into my memory. I had my first doctor appointment since the pandemic started – and I had to go into the clinic since I needed some important lab work done. My doctor’s clinic is located at the hospital so I dealt with anxiety for days leading up to this appointment. I haven’t gone anywhere in 2.5 weeks – other than walks outside & the car parade we did last week. So to have my first big outing be to a hospital…in the middle of a pandemic? Pretty laid back, right? (insert screaming emoji)

When I got to the hospital, the first thing I noticed was that the parking ramp was super empty. I have had countless appointments at this clinic as I have gone there for all 3 pregnancies. There have been times I’ve had to circle the 3 levels of the ramp to find a parking spot. Today I parked right next to the door. It was empty walking in…and then a huge barricade was setup to screen me for my symptoms. I am so thankful for this – but as I finished my screening and walked alone to the elevators, I had a moment where I looked back at what I just witnessed and marked it in my memory. I am so thankful for this baby and I trust God will equip me with the strength I need to deliver this nameless child during a pandemic – but also, holy cow, this is crazy life! Sometimes I just take it all in (pushing the anxiety aside) and sit in awe of this life unfolding before me.

I can’t wait to be on the other side of this and reminisce. One day…

Funny enough, I am leading a book study discussion tonight with friends and the topic tonight is all about trusting God with our biggest fear and anxiety – HOW FITTING!

RerereRECAP time!


I wore camo two days in a row. I guess I love it??

How am I feeling today: SO THANKFUL THAT APPOINTMENT IS DONE! I had my glucose screening today which involves chugging a drink with 50g of sugar in it and then not drinking or eating for an hour. It is so disgusting and you feel gross for awhile afterwards. The woman working in the lab that had to “watch” me drink it said she can tell who has a high sugar diet vs. low sugar diet just by watching them take their first sip of the drink. I’m more of a salty vs. sweet person and she could tell right away.

Today’s Win: I passed my glucose screening! I’m so thankful for that! Having birthed a +10 pound baby in my past (…Espen…), I always worry about my risk with gestational diabetes. Looks like it’s not a concern – woo hoo!

Funny kid moment today: This isn’t funny – more just sweet. Soren (5 years old) heard me telling Josiah that I had to have at least one shot at my appointment today (surprise, I had 3). Anyway, he felt so bad that I had to have a shot and even worse that I had to go alone. He strongly encouraged me to take his Puppy with me to the doctor so I would have something to cuddle during my shots. Kids, man. They see a need and meet it the best they know how. I felt so loved.

Today’s hero: The nurse I worked with today was amazing. She was so sweet and sincere – asking all about my kids and just being very kind to her very nervous patient (me). She gave me a shot in my arm and I kid you not – I DIDN’T FEEL IT! I can handle shots and don’t get too nervous – but to not even feel it? Amazing. I honestly thought she maybe missed my arm…but then that would be ridiculous. So nurse (I already forgot her name), you are a hero!

Hope you all are doing well. It’s almost APRIL! Will they say, “April Fool’s, there’s no pandemic?” Uff….that would be a dream!


the newest & coolest way to ride a bike

Til tomorrow…