The Quarantine Life – Easter Blizzard



Happy Easter! This morning, I was woken up by my three guys at 7AM. They were all so happy and Soren told me, “Mom! The Easter bunny didn’t come.” Translation: I didn’t set out Easter gifts for them. I failed to explain that the EB works differently than Santa – he delivers baskets (or boxes…more on that later) to Mommy and she hides them later in the day. One quick look at my texts and social media and I already felt so “behind” as a mother on Easter morning. I had a kitchen full of dirty dishes, I didn’t have a meal planned besides an egg bake, and no special decorations. I felt so much guilt – but truth be told…1) Easter is NOT about this stuff and 2) my kids didn’t know the difference. Nevertheless, I pulled myself together and whipped up an Easter breakfast for the fam complete with some decorations. Also, three of the four of us happily chose to wear our normal Easter outfits – while one needed some bribing. Soren’s shirt was a tad small as we didn’t invest in new Easter outfits this year…but it was fine!


Soren has worn this bowtie for about 3 Easter’s in a row…


Espen’s blazer is my favorite…


scary faces!

We are so thankful to celebrate Easter – even if we are stuck at home…and experiencing a blizzard on top of quarantine this year. 2020…you sure know how to kick us all in the shins! Bravo. But that doesn’t change the fact that we celebrate ultimate hope in Christ today…beyond this Easter Sunday, beyond this pandemic, beyond this life. We celebrate the promise of life after death…and life free of pain, of sickness, of sadness, of loneliness, of all the bad things. And for that I am forever thankful.


family breakfast!

Shall we recap?

How am I feeling today: It’s been so nice to relax at home with my family today – blizzards have a way of making everything feel cozy. Like your home is getting a giant hug from the snow. Note: it doesn’t always feel that way…but the forecast of higher temps shows me this snow will be gone soon! Also…feeling extra pregnant today.


30.5 weeks pregnant!

Today’s Win: Today we ate brunch together as a family, listened to music, and even watched our church’s service (a first for us this quarantine…) and we only had to pause it 9 times (and the whole service was only 34 minutes).


Easter boxes…aka shoeboxes I found when cleaning. A little paint job and now they’re Easter boxes we can save for next year! 

Funny Kid Moment Today: So many funny moments today. Here are three. 1) This morning I put on makeup for the first time since March 15th. Soren looked at me and with a look of detest, he asked, “Mom, WHAT is on your face?” So…safe to say he prefers a more natural look. 2) I bought a dress at Target 2 months ago with hopes to wear it for Easter. I’ve debated if I should just return it…but decided to go ahead with my plans to wear it despite being at home for Easter and being in the middle of a blizzard. I came downstairs and my husband said, “What happened to the black dress you had on? Didn’t you like it?” Um…the black dress I had on was my pajamas! He totally thought my pajama dress was my Easter attire (which to his credit, was a basic black dress…that happens to be a nightgown) and we had a GOOD laugh about this. My family has VERY low expectations on what I wear each day. No appreciation for style. 3) As I sit here and type this recap, I have a cup of afternoon coffee next to me. Soren’s favorite stuffed animal, Puppy, just flew across the table and his tail landed directly in my coffee. I grabbed it out – annoyed his (gross) puppy was in my coffee and he was annoyed my coffee got on his puppy. But he changed his mind and quickly sucked on the tail in order to “drink” the coffee. He then pretended to be going crazy because I’ve taught my kids to say, “Coffee makes me crazy!”


coloring fake eggs


“This is you, mommy!”

Today’s Hero: I feel like the correct answer to this is Jesus. I mean…he died for our sins and came back from the dead three days later. I barely managed to pull together an Easter breakfast…but he really did it up big. Jesus, you’re our hero. Always.


we found a funfetti cake mix in the cupboard…why not make it! 


“I have to sing this SUPER loud, ok?” (also note the ripped out page next to the hymnal…)



Another week of quarantine ahead…followed by 500 more weeks after that! Til then…

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