The Quarantine Life – Sunshine & An Odd Mystery


warming up baby’s carseat

Yesterday was a no good day…for no good reason. So today, naturally, was a great day. That’s how it seems to go with life in quarantine. Some hard days (more mentally hard than anything) followed by good days. It 100% helped that today was summer including 70 degrees and sunshine. I’ll take that!


they love helping cut strawberries (& eating 1/2 of them too)

A quick sidebar here to say if you have any great suggestions on baby names, I’m open to hearing them! We typically like Scandinavian names…and I typically like 2 syllable names (I’m specific…). I will say that we’ve come up with a few options, but nothing is “IT” yet.


Soren vacuumed at 7:30 this morning

Let’s recap!

How am I feeling today: Today I am 32 weeks pregnant. I remember the day I found out I was pregnant back in October…I was maybe 4 weeks pregnant? Maybe 3.5? That feels like FOREVER ago! Only 8 short weeks to go!

Today’s Win: We are casually potty training Espen…so if he wakes up in the morning with a dry diaper, he is bribed to go potty on the toilet vs. in his diaper. We give him a marshmallow (yup…parenting with the help of sugar!). This morning, Soren asked if he could also have a marshmallow and I declined since he doesn’t earn one simply because his brother used the toilet. So he asked if he could vacuum the house to earn a marshmallow. Um…absolutely! So he vacuumed at 7:30 this morning.

Funny Kid Moment: This is a weird story…but it must be shared. During Espen’s nap, Soren plays outside and I usually stay inside to have some peace and quiet (that typically lasts max 20 minutes). About 3 hours after this time of day, Soren says to me, “So mom, our neighbor was in her backyard without her clothes on today. I saw her bunsies. She had a thing covering those things on her chest though. She was playing with her dog in the yard.” So…I paused…and laughed…and asked 100 clarifying questions. He showed me which house it was…and it’s far enough that he may not have seen accurately…but also, he seemed pretty sure of himself and also wasn’t laughing as if it was a made up story. I told him she was probably wearing her swimsuit and enjoying the sunshine…but he said, “No, mom. I saw her bunsies.” So…that’s a mystery to solve another day, but also…why are people walking around in the nude when literally everyone is currently in their houses…looking out the windows seeking entertainment? Yikes!

Today’s Hero: Today’s hero is sunshine. I’m sure this has gotten the “hero” award more times than necessary…but anytime it’s super sunny, it makes my day. I should also say we had a super delicious dinner…but it was also very simple. Grilled chicken sandwiches, carrots, strawberries, and pickles. I enjoyed the colorfulness on my plate!


sunshine & ice cream cones


colorful dinner! 


Grammy reading a book to the boys

Til tomorrow…

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