The Quarantine Life – The Driveway


from last night, post-haircuts 

Week six! Is it week six? I’ve lost track. Also, this is a record for how much I’ve written on this blog. I’ve written more on here the last 6 weeks than I have ever, combined! Thanks to those of you who read this – I really just started it to document our experience so that I can look back on this odd and unique time and remember what we did and how I felt about everything. That’s all assuming we get back to normal life…someday. Hoping it’s soon, but my gut tells me it’ll be awhile. And by awhile…I’m starting to wonder if Soren will get to start Kindergarten this fall…in a school, not at home. Time will tell!

I have a few good stories to share today so enjoy! Also, I made breakfast burritos for dinner tonight and I am so excited that 1) dinner is already done and 2) they are SO good and 3) I’ll likely have a hefty return of heartburn from eating them…oh well!


we did a LOT of painting today…anyone need some fresh artwork? we ship internationally…

Let’s recap…

How am I feeling today: This week is off to a much better start than last week. Also it was supposed to rain this afternoon and it did…for about 5 minutes. For that I am thankful – no need for rain this week!

Today’s Win: This is more of a sweet story – but the boys often fall off bikes or simply fall and get hurt. They both are very VERY attached to specific stuffed animals and when they’re hurt, they need these animals to comfort them. I’m sitting there with open arms…but they’d prefer a stuffed animal for comfort over mom. It’s fine, I’m FINE. Anyway, anytime Soren gets hurt, Espen dashes around the house to find Soren’s puppies and brings them to his brother so he will feel better. It is so sweet and nothing we forced to happen…we are seeing natural empathy in little brother and it’s so sweet. I’ll just note here that Soren doesn’t return the favor…all in due time, hopefully.

Funny Kid Moment: The boys and I were playing in the driveway today when it started to look like a rainstorm was coming. I moved to stand inside the garage and Soren got right to work cleaning up the entire yard and driveway full of toys. He can be SO helpful and is such a little worker. He reminds me so much of Josiah. He loves to take charge and be so responsible. Espen preferred to just watch Soren do all of the work. Once everything was done, Espen shouts, “Oh no!” and runs into the driveway and grabs some dead leaves to bring into the garage. He was so worried those dead leaves would be left in the driveway and get wet in the rain. Kid has a lot to learn…

Today’s Hero: My driveway. What?! Yes. We have a caged fenced in yard…super helpful for little kids. But this Spring, we have ventured into the driveway for playtime. The boys are awesome at riding bikes so any afternoon that is decently warm, we are in the driveway riding bikes, shooting hoops, playing soccer or driving tractors around. I feel as if we are using every square foot of our property!


haircut action shot


my little worker



mother of boys & keeper of puppies 

Til tomorrow…

One thought on “The Quarantine Life – The Driveway

  1. Lauren, I am so enjoying you blog! Your stories are wonderful and every time I see a picture of you I have to remind myself it is you and not your Mom. You are probably about the age your parents were when we all met on Dickey Lake Dr.

    I have been writing a journal through this and Jon has suggested I put it on the blog we use for our trips. So today I am trying my hand at putting it on the blog. It is how we senior citizens in Florida spend our time. I am sure your generation would welcome switching places. Part of the hard part for our generation is not being able to be with our grandkids.

    Thank you for your posts!

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